Marty Voiers
100 Court Square
Flemingsburg, KY 41041
Phone: (606) 845-1419
Cell: (606) 748-0661
Fax: (606) 845-1312
Email: martinvoiers@gmail.com
As Fleming County Emergency Management Director, Marty is continuing his life-long practice of public service. Now retired from a career in public education after serving as a high school teacher, principal, district administrator, and college instructor, as well as serving for 27 years as an elected official, he is ready to serve in a different capacity. He is a major in the Flemingsburg Fire Department and has more than 50 years of experience as a volunteer firefighter. He is also a commissioned minister with the Christian Church in Kentucky (Disciples of Christ), serving as a pastor of a local church for over 11 years, and participates in ongoing efforts to provide food, clothing, and shelter for those in need in the community and region. He also serves on the boards of various community organizations. His goal as Emergency Management Director is to maintain the high level of preparedness that has been established in Fleming County and to aid community leaders in emergency situations while ensuring the continuation of basic services. You can contact Marty @ martinvoiers@gmail.com |